Vertigo Services provide various solutions to Solar Panel Cleaning service like Industrial dust cleaning, Cement cleaning on a solar panel, post construction cleaning, magnetic dust cleaning, efficiency improvement of an old solar panel.
Solar Panel cleaning equipment is also available at very low cost to reduce the cost of maintaining solar panel cleaning.
Solar panel cleaning service provide to Corporate solar plants, Industrial solar plants, Institutional solar plants, Individual Houses, Hospitals, college, Universities, Residential units,
A various method like High-pressure cleaning or Jet pressure cleaning, chemical cleaning, waterless cleaning, PV coating, automated cleaning etc
Solar panel cleaning provides to a various location like Punjab, Chandigarh, Panchkula, Mohali, Derabassi, Ambala, Solan , Baddi, Ludhiana, Jalandhar, Amritsar, Uttrakhand, Dehradun, Panipat, Sonpat , New Chandigarh etc.